Sunday, September 5, 2010

Goodbyes are Sad...

As James and I embark on this adventure, we will be saying goodbye to many familiar things, including our jobs and our families.  We both enjoyed our places of employment very much, so not working all the time will be a big adjustment.

Before I left my job, my students were very thoughtful and had a "going away party" for me.  They also gave me some wonderful gifts.  I already miss them very much (all of them...even the recent graduates!).

My mother and stepfather had a nice send-off party for us before we left.  My mom and I planned a unique menu for the party - we decided to create foods from many of the countries we are going visit.  The food was fantastic, and it was fun to see everyone trying some of the different foods that they hadn't eaten before.  We are so grateful to have such wonderful families.  We were happy to have had an opportunity to say goodbye to everyone at once!

Japanese and Thai food
Mediterranean food
Chinese and European food
Thank you very much everyone!  We will miss you!