Saturday, September 18, 2010

Random Pictures from Scotland

This was in one of the women's bathrooms in Glasgow - a pay-per-use straightening iron.

We support Glasgow's initiatives.

The Lighthouse Museum in Glasgow had its own bit of "bathroom" humor. 

Erin minding her head in the Lighthouse Museum in Glasgow.

Caution - this statute outside the GoMA is missing its helmet.

We took this gentleman's word for it.

While on the ferryboat heading into Glasgow, we saw a little boy wearing this jacket - the epitome of style.

Just in case things don't work out...

William Wallace, more a brewer now than a figure from history (or character in Braveheart).

We are the champions - now in shadow form.

Once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader..maybe not a very good one anymore though.

One of the "in" looks in Scotland.  We saw these short, patterned, shorts everywhere.  Look for them in the states never.

Tesco, one of our favorite grocery stores in the UK, and their moving "incline" .