Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Relaxing Day in Waikiki

Today was another beautiful day, so we decided to spend it outside.  After eating a healthy breakfast at the nearby Subway restaurant, we headed to the beach! 

There were plenty of options for outdoor activities, and after watching other people play around for a bit, we decided we wanted to have some fun in the water too.  So, we rented kayaks for an hour.  Kayaking in the ocean is slightly different than kayaking in a small lake or a river.  We learned this the hard way.  About 5 minutes after we were in the water, we began to notice the coral reef near the top of the water.  We did our best to avoid it, but we both ended up getting our kayaks stuck on top of it, and James's kayak even capsized.  We attempted to paddle further out into the ocean in order to get out of the patch of the coral reef.  As soon as we thought we were in the clear, we realized we had gotten ourselves into another situation.  The lifeguard came out on a jet-ski and told us we needed to beware of the big waves that were coming through.  Heeding his advice, we began to navigate back towards the shore.  Within five minutes, we were scolded by a man from the kayak rental company who had paddled out into the water to let us know that we had gone out too far into the ocean.  At this point we only had about 10 minutes left of our kayaking adventure, so we decided to just head into the shore and return the kayaks.  While it was great fun, we were happy to return our kayaks after the hour was up.

Our kayaks waiting on the beach for us!

A view of the Waikiki beach from the kayak. 

James on his kayak before he capsized!  (The blurriness is due to a drop of water that was on the outside of the waterproof lens protector).
After kayaking, we relaxed for the majority of the day.  We had a picnic lunch on the beach, read our books, and may have even fallen asleep for a bit.  It was a perfect day!
These adorable penguins were waddling around outside the Hilton Hotel in Waikiki.  While we weren't staying there, we did see them as we were walking by.

Unfortunately, tomorrow is our last day in Hawaii.  We talked about how we wanted to spend the day, and we agreed to take a guided tour around the island. We saw a flyer advertising a Lost tour on the island, and because we were/are fans of the show, we wanted to do that one.  Surprisingly, the tour was more popular than we had imagined, and it was already sold out.  Instead, we opted for the second best tour, which would take us to many different spots on the island, including a few different beaches.  We're looking forward to our last beautiful day in Hawaii!