Monday, January 10, 2011

Surviving the Heat in Sydney

We spent the first day of 2011 relaxing, since we had stayed out quite late celebrating the new year. The temperature was near 90 degrees today and our University dormitory didn't have air conditioning, so it was a warm day for us. We had our cafeteria breakfast around noon, and watched some NBA basketball on tv before eventually leaving. While James was using the internet, Erin made a run outside to get a late afternoon lunch for us.

An hour later, we both ventured out and headed to George Street to enjoy our last full day in Sydney. We stopped at Market City, and went upstairs to wander through some of the outlet stores. Many of the shops were cheap clothing stores, but we enjoyed walking through the air-conditioned mall and looking at some of the interesting items.
The basketball hoop and board are separated by about 15 feet...
Australians add "ie" to everything - e.g., "Brekkie" for "Breakfast," "Chrissy" for "Christmas"
We saw a lot of signs like this in Sydney when we were visiting.
Who wouldn't want to shop at the Frat House store?
We even saw a store selling only counterfeit Abercrombie clothes! After our walk in the market, we wandered through the city a bit more before deciding to head back to our dorm room.  After we got back, Erin did our final load of laundry while James began to organize our belongings. We went to bed in our separate rooms with our fans on full-blast as we tried to keep cool throughout the night.